Alice Oates
Talks and Outreach

Invited talk
SPRI Histories, Cultures, Environments and Politics (HCEP) seminar
Seminar on "Placing Halley research station in the history of UK Antarctic science, 1960 to present"

Public webinar
UN Webinar: "Sonification: a tool for research, outreach and inclusion in space sciences"
During my UN internship in the Office for Outer Space Affairs 'Space for Persons with Disabilities Programme' I produced a research report on sonification in space sciences. This public webinar introduces some of the key advantages and challenges of sonification.

Public Talk
RGS 'Be Inspired' Afternoon lecture
Picking polar people: exploring explorer recruitment through the RGS archives
2:30 31 October 2022
Recording available on RGS website
Thumbnail image reference: Royal Geographical Society collections. "The Imperial Trans-Antarctic Expedition. [Prospectus] by Shackleton, Ernest Henry, Sir. -- Imperial Trans-Antarctic Expedition (1914-1917)"

Invited talk
Antarctica and the Cold War
Presented a paper at the European Academies Initiative Workshop: Neutrality and European Academies of Sciences during the Cold War.

Public Talk
Polar Pint of Science
On the 14th October I gave a talk on Halley history as part of an online Pint of Science event organised by the UK Antarctic Heritage Trust and UK Polar Network. The talk is available online here

200 years of discovering Antarctica
Blog written for the International Association of Antarctic Tourism Operators (IAATO) on the anniversary of the discovery of Antarctica. Read it here